Thursday, July 2, 2009


These shoes were so hard for me to find bigup to the seller who sold these to me on Ebay.....

Drake performance on BET

let me just start by saying that Drake is a wonderful artist he combines his singing with amazing lyrical skill. To always produce wondeful trak most recently I heard one of the million tapes that he has out great. But his performance on Bet was less than spectacular. Although this was not his fault I found out that he actually had surgery on his acl and was unable to walk. As noted at the end performace as limped off during Baby performance. All I still have to say this just one bump on the road, but not a major one. I even have to give him credit for performing under the circumstances.. Just to give the people what they want not a bad idea....thats the news until then stay fresh


The toughest players in the league or about to join together....take look at the report from CBS SPORTS.:

Shaq can have LeBron. Ron Artest says he'll take Kobe.Artest, whose versatility and toughness have made him one of the most coveted and combustible players in the NBA, told Thursday that he's signing with the Lakers."I'm definitely going to L.A. -- to sign, yeah," Artest said in a phone interview. "Lakers, Lakers, Lakers. I'm in L.A. right now."Artest said he met with Lakers owner Dr. Jerry Buss Thursday and previously had spoken with Lakers coach Phil Jackson. He was en route to his financial manager's office, where he planned to huddle on the phone with his agent, David Bauman, to finalize details.Artest's exuberance -- he spent the whole summer in L.A., including several appearances at Lakers home games during the NBA Finals -- got ahead of the process a bit. Other teams that made overtures for Artest -- including the Cavaliers -- have not yet been notified that Artest is signing with the Lakers. (Consider them notified.) Bauman has spoken with Lakers GM Mitch Kupchak, and a person with knowledge of the negotiations told that Artest agreed to a five-year deal for the full mid-level exception -- about $33 million. It's the same deal that Houston agreed to with Trevor Ariza, who swaps cities with Artest."I don't really care about the money," Artest said. "I'll play there for nothing. ... L.A. was very interested in me, and they got me."UPDATE: Lakers spokesman John Black declined to comment on Artest's assertion, but another person with knowledge of the situation corroborated Artest's account that he will sign with L.A. pending the financial parameters being finalized.Only 24 hours earlier, the buzz was focused on Artest joining LeBron James and Shaquille O'Neal in Cleveland in what would've made a potent Big Three on the shores of Lake Erie. It would've been, well, eerie, too: Artest's internal combustion engine, combined with LeBron's exquisite dominance and Shaq's alpha-male, all-round Shaq-ness would've been something to see.
But Artest said talks with Cleveland "never got that far." Told that Cleveland, by all accounts, had extreme interest, Artest said, "I don't know how extreme. I love the Cleveland Cavaliers, though. I love LeBron and Coach (Mike) Brown and Shaq."
But what he really loves is L.A.
"L.A. is what it is," Artest said. "I've been here for the whole summer, and it's pretty good. It's good for me. I know Lamar Odom, so that's pretty cool."
Artest spoke as though Odom would return to the Lakers to join Artest and Kobe Bryant for another title run. The addition of Artest would mean the Lakers have to choose between Odom and Trevor Ariza. Obviously, Ariza would be the odd man out and already has expressed displeasure with the Lakers' efforts to lure him back with only the mid-level exception.
UPDATE: The addition of Artest is a coup for the defending champion Lakers, who have faced the prospect of trying to retain their own free agents, Odom and Ariza, and have seen other contenders make major efforts to improve. Most notably, the Celtics dispatched their Big Three of Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, and Paul Pierce, along with coach Doc Rivers and managing partner Wyc Grousbeck to Detroit on Thursday to offer free agent Rasheed Wallace a mid-level contract. Cleveland's acquisition of Shaq put the Lakers, Celtics, and Magic on notice that the Cavaliers were making a serious push for a title next season. The Cavs' pursuit of Wallace, Artest, and Ariza signaled that they weren't finished after the pre-draft trade for Shaq."I talked to Coach Phil, and I was happy to talk to him," Artest said. "Big fan of Coach Phil. My agent talked to Kupchak, and I met with Dr. Buss. I'm very, very excited."

Funny Comics

Seriously this some funny stuff everyone needs to check out the link....

Superman vs the Super Sayain Goku

I really don't care what anybody says but I think Goku would win this battle hands down. Its just the fact that his powers seem limitless. And that superman is bound run out of energy.

Shaq and Lebron combo

Shaq noted today that he wanted to do two things jokingly he said: Bring the King a Ring, and he noted and extension. Shaq has played with a variety of superstars. But who would the current star lebron james be compared or in a since used the same. I wouldn't want to say Wade or Kobe. Because these two are more known to be scorers then passer. Although they do average well over 4 assist per average. There defintely at there best when they are attacking in a variety of ways.

Steve Nash a very good point guard mentally, but he does not present the immediete matchup problem that a Lerbon James at 6 "8 250 would present.

Well then only suitable person would have to be Penny Hardaway this is not far fetched at all. Lebron Himself compared his game to a more atheletic verision of Penny hardaway. And so far he has been that and better. So they do have the capacity to be at least in that same time of mode. And because of the advantage look over the defense you can expect alot easy basket for Shaq to covert. But the biggest thing is the cavs will finally have a big man who finish strong.

This is what shaq quoted saying at the press from

INDEPENDENCE - Here is a sampling of quotes from Shaquille O'Neal during his introductory news conference this afternoon at the Cavaliers' training facility in Independence:
"This is something I couldn't turn down. You guys already are a damn good team."
"I'm able to play any style. I'm not here to demand 40 or 50 shots. Thirty (laughing). I'm just coming in to do my part."

On LeBron James remaining in Cleveland:

"In a perfect world, if we win it takes care of business and he has no choice but to stay here. ... It's something we shouldn't worry about."
On interest in joining law enforcement in Cleveland: "I'm actually undercover so I actually can't answer that. Everyone knows I'm very interested in law enforcement and when the time comes we'll talk about it. Right now, my motto is 'Win a Ring for the King.' "
On a Cleveland nickname: "I haven't come up with any yet. A friend tweeted me 'The Big Freeze.' I'm not sure about that yet. I'll have one."
On his kids' reaction to coming to Cleveland: "It's a funny situation because my son likes LeBron actually more than me. He was very, very happy. I'm not sad [just] a little jealous about it."
On his recent conversations with LeBron: "We've had some e-mails. I'm sure he's with his lovely family. We'll talk. We'll visit. I'll fly back up here and we'll visit."
"I don't really consider myself a superstar. ... Everyone knows this is LeBron's team. I'm not trying to come in and change that. ... I'm now in the security business. My job is to protect the King, and that's what I'm here to do."

The next decision will be to correct the offense and this will by adding another athletic wing. Someone who will be able to take pressure off of Lebron..... will see what happends thats the news and until then stay Fresh.......