Monday, January 25, 2010


The dismantling has been completed, the ghost of Viking's past has returned. No more super bowl hopes, and no more attribution given to Brett Farve. True they made it far but far is not the end, and as Brandy once put it "everybody knows almost doesn't count". Brett Farve will go down as one of the best if not the best quarterback of all time...even if he does wear Wrangler jeans. The question lying beneath the dragon is this though; is Farve done for good now and was he anointed "Viking Savior" all to early. The goal is a title, and the mission was clearly missed when the black and gold colored football field goal slid perfectly down the middle of the goal post. I for one believe that one man can not get you a championship because if that were the case Cleveland would have two by now: SHOUT OUT TO LBJ 23. I think Farve is not done and will be back for another year, and his gold digging wife will make sure of that. NOW I AIN'T SAYING  MRS. FARVE'S A GOAL DIGGA BUT SHE AIN'T MESSING WITH NO BROKE TRIGGA. What's your thoughts?

Go hard or go home, GUCCI!

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