Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Nightwing vs DareDevil

Daredevil vs Nightwing who would win sounds like a pretty good matchup. With two of the most similar characters in the comic universe let take a look at there powers.
Heres what we know about daredevil :
Powers and Abilities:
Although blind, the character's remaining four senses function with high levels of superhuman accuracy and sensitivity, giving him abilities far beyond the limits of a sighted person. Due to his lack of sight, Daredevil developed a radar sense.[33] This radar sense has a function similar to echolocation.[citation needed] However, as Daredevil's other senses are stronger, they are also sensitive; his main weakness is his vulnerability to powerful sounds or odors that can be used to temporarily weaken his radar sense.[34] This weakness is often used to immobilize Daredevil if he were bombarded by too much sound, which will cause him great pain and disorient him.[35]
When Frank Miller expanded most of Daredevil's abilities, he attempted to make them "extraordinary enough to be exciting, but not on par with Superman", noting Superman's distinctly unbelievable powers.[33] When Miller joined the title in 1979, the first thing he did to the character was "revamp" his radar sense and made it less distinct and more believable; he wanted Daredevil to have the "proximity" sense that most martial artists claim to have.[33] Because of this, he created an ability for Daredevil to hear the Hulk's heartbeat four blocks away. Due to the characters' sensitive sense of touch, Daredevil can read by passing his fingers over the letters on a page.[33] Daredevil has also commonly used his superhuman hearing to serve as a lie detector for interrogation. However, this ability can be fooled if the other persons heart is not beating at a normal rate, such as if they have a pacemaker. [36]
Though he has no superhuman physical attributes, Daredevil is also a master of martial arts.[37] Having been trained by Stick, Daredevil is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant. His typical moves are unique blends of the martial arts of Ninjutsu, Jujutsu, Judo and stick fighting combined with American-style boxing while making full use of his gymnastics capabilities.[38]
Daredevil's signature weapon is his specially-designed billy club, which he created.[34] Disguised as a blind man's cane in civilian garb, it is a multi-purpose weapon and tool that contains thirty feet of aircraft control cable connected to a case-hardened steel grapnel. Internal mechanisms allow the cable to be neatly wound and unwound, while a powerful spring launches the grapnel. The handle can be straightened for use when throwing. The club can also be split into two parts, one of which is a fighting baton, the other of which ends in a curved hook.[2][34] On some occasions, his billy club can extend into a six foot bo-staff.
Here's what we know about
Powers and abilities:

Dick Grayson has no super powers per se, but he has been trained by one of the greatest martial artists and critical thinkers of the DC universe, the dark knight of Gotham City, Batman. Due to this training, Dick Grayson has proved himself to be a top class hero, leading super teams and even taking Batman’s place for awhile.
Nightwing is an master at many different martial arts and has extensive acrobatics training. He is also versed in using the many gadgets that Batman has created, from Batarangs, grappling hooks, and even driving vehicles. He deploys many different gadgets in the Nightwing persona, such as a taser, different smoke and tear gases, lock picks, and more. He also uses a pair of Eskrima Sticks, used in a Filipino Martial Art.
Dick Grayson has also become a great detective and leader. He has led the Teen Titans on numerous occasions, the Outsiders, and even the JLA for a time. He has become a respected member of the superhero community and has earned the respect of his former mentor, Batman.
So it would seem that this pretty even. But tell me what you think.. Until stay fresh

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