Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rage of the New Warriors Bio

Bigup to the site its pretty. Alot of you who might not know who Rage is a character from Marvel Comics. But you should definitely check out the site this one feature..

Rage Bio:

RAGE Real Name: Elvin Daryl Haliday Aliases: Blacksmith Identity: Publically Known


Twelve-year-old Elvin Haliday was visiting an unfamiliar neighborhood to trade some comic books with another boy when he was attacked by a gang of racist bullies. Elvin eluded them by hiding in the heavily polluted waters of Newtown Creek, but before he could climb out, Fisk Biochem workers dumped more illegal chemical waste into the creek, dousing him with it. Terrified and in pain, Elvin ran home to his only family, Granny Staples, and she nursed him back to health over a period of days. The boy recovered quickly, and in the weeks and months that followed, he went through a tremendous growth spurt that gave him a superhumanly powerful adult body. He was discouraged from seeking vengeance on his tormentors by the devoutly religious Granny Staples, who felt he should use his new powers for good. Fashioning a makeshift costume from a ski mask and a leather outfit, Elvin began operating as the super-vigilante Rage at the age of 14, targeting street criminals and drug dealers such as L.D. 50. He applied for membership in the Avengers, berating the team for their elitism and lack of visible minorities. Despite this obnoxious introduction, he was appointed a probationary Avengers reservist alongside Sandman after aiding the group in an otherdimensional mission. Though technically part of a substitute roster serving as backup for the active team, Rage was a frequent participant in Avengers cases, facing foes such as Ngh the Unspeakable, the Tetrarchs of Entropy, Doctor Doom, the Brethren, the Collector and Grotesk. Eventually, during a conflict with Hate-Monger and his racist pawns, the Sons of the Serpent, the Avengers discovered that Elvin was still a child and demoted him to trainee status. During that case, Elvin met the New Warriors, who befriended him and later convinced him to help them steal an Avengers quinjet for an emergency rescue mission. Expelled from the Avengers for this misconduct, Rage joined the New Warriors, becoming a mainstay of the group and forming a close friendship with Speedball. When the Poison Memories gang killed Granny Staples as part of a vendetta against the Warriors, Rage cold-bloodedly killed gang leader Kimeiko Ashu, though a judge later deemed his actions self-defense. Warriors leader Dwayne Taylor (Night-Thrasher) and Dwayne's mentor Andrew Chord were appointed Elvin's legal guardians, and when Dwayne later had a falling-out with the other Warriors, Elvin left the team with him. Serving as mentors to the troubled super-youths Psionex for a time, Night-Thrasher and Rage eventually rejoined the Warriors, who began to drift apart as their members pursued differing goals. Rage has decided to concentrate on his studies at the Oatridge School for Boys and is only infrequently active as a super hero of late, though he has been willing to assist the Avengers and the Warriors against foes such as the Elements of Doom, Morgan Le Fay, Whirlwind, Taskmaster, A.I.M., Lord Templar and an insane Scarlet Witch. Rage resurfaced when The Initiative was formed. He led a small band of heroes from the Initiative for awhile, including members such as Slapstick, Ultra-Girl, Thor Girl, and a few others. Rage found himself the center of an investigation when Gauntlet was beaten and left for dead.
Height: 6'6" Weight: 450 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: None
Powers: A child possessed of a massive superhuman adult physique, Rage has tremendous superhuman strength and durability; for reasons unknown, his strength increases when he uses it in violent or aggressive ways. His speed is superhuman (enabling him to outrun an express train with ease), and his stamina, reflexes and recuperative powers are also enhanced beyond normal human levels. Accessories: None Note: Despite his height and appearance, Rage is still a very young teenager.

Kobe Face

Its interesting to note whenever Michael Jordan was going to make a big play the tongue would come out. Are in modern times whenever Lebron James was nervous he would bit his nails. The Kobe look is another way of showing hard or how bad he really want to win the Chapionship this year. Its way of putting on that I'm pissed and this going to be my title if you like it or not. I for think it really sends a message to all the defenders to let them know the mamba is coming at you everytime. So with that will see if we get the same look in game of the NBA conference. Thats the news and until then stay fresh .....

Nightwing vs DareDevil

Daredevil vs Nightwing who would win sounds like a pretty good matchup. With two of the most similar characters in the comic universe let take a look at there powers.
Heres what we know about daredevil :
Powers and Abilities:
Although blind, the character's remaining four senses function with high levels of superhuman accuracy and sensitivity, giving him abilities far beyond the limits of a sighted person. Due to his lack of sight, Daredevil developed a radar sense.[33] This radar sense has a function similar to echolocation.[citation needed] However, as Daredevil's other senses are stronger, they are also sensitive; his main weakness is his vulnerability to powerful sounds or odors that can be used to temporarily weaken his radar sense.[34] This weakness is often used to immobilize Daredevil if he were bombarded by too much sound, which will cause him great pain and disorient him.[35]
When Frank Miller expanded most of Daredevil's abilities, he attempted to make them "extraordinary enough to be exciting, but not on par with Superman", noting Superman's distinctly unbelievable powers.[33] When Miller joined the title in 1979, the first thing he did to the character was "revamp" his radar sense and made it less distinct and more believable; he wanted Daredevil to have the "proximity" sense that most martial artists claim to have.[33] Because of this, he created an ability for Daredevil to hear the Hulk's heartbeat four blocks away. Due to the characters' sensitive sense of touch, Daredevil can read by passing his fingers over the letters on a page.[33] Daredevil has also commonly used his superhuman hearing to serve as a lie detector for interrogation. However, this ability can be fooled if the other persons heart is not beating at a normal rate, such as if they have a pacemaker. [36]
Though he has no superhuman physical attributes, Daredevil is also a master of martial arts.[37] Having been trained by Stick, Daredevil is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant. His typical moves are unique blends of the martial arts of Ninjutsu, Jujutsu, Judo and stick fighting combined with American-style boxing while making full use of his gymnastics capabilities.[38]
Daredevil's signature weapon is his specially-designed billy club, which he created.[34] Disguised as a blind man's cane in civilian garb, it is a multi-purpose weapon and tool that contains thirty feet of aircraft control cable connected to a case-hardened steel grapnel. Internal mechanisms allow the cable to be neatly wound and unwound, while a powerful spring launches the grapnel. The handle can be straightened for use when throwing. The club can also be split into two parts, one of which is a fighting baton, the other of which ends in a curved hook.[2][34] On some occasions, his billy club can extend into a six foot bo-staff.
Here's what we know about
Powers and abilities:

Dick Grayson has no super powers per se, but he has been trained by one of the greatest martial artists and critical thinkers of the DC universe, the dark knight of Gotham City, Batman. Due to this training, Dick Grayson has proved himself to be a top class hero, leading super teams and even taking Batman’s place for awhile.
Nightwing is an master at many different martial arts and has extensive acrobatics training. He is also versed in using the many gadgets that Batman has created, from Batarangs, grappling hooks, and even driving vehicles. He deploys many different gadgets in the Nightwing persona, such as a taser, different smoke and tear gases, lock picks, and more. He also uses a pair of Eskrima Sticks, used in a Filipino Martial Art.
Dick Grayson has also become a great detective and leader. He has led the Teen Titans on numerous occasions, the Outsiders, and even the JLA for a time. He has become a respected member of the superhero community and has earned the respect of his former mentor, Batman.
So it would seem that this pretty even. But tell me what you think.. Until stay fresh