Tuesday, December 29, 2009


If you haven't heard of John Wall then you must of been sleeping under a rock. This guy is going to be the 1 number pick in the 2010 nbadraft. And he is a can't miss pick. He not only has the the great size to play point at 6'4, but he also has that blazing speed and athleticism. He one those types guy who just changes the game in some many ways. Looks like New Jersey could certianly be his destation. And would be a really hreat thing for them. It just a shame he can't play for them right now. Because they need all the help they can get...

TMAC Done in houston

I got this report from ESPN:

Tracy McGrady has been cleared to take an indefinite leave from the Houston Rockets after the former All-Star's representatives and Rockets management agreed to work together in search of a trade for the disgruntled guard.
Sources close to the process told that multiple phone discussions Monday between Rockets general manager Daryl Morey and coach Rick Adelman, in conjunction with McGrady's lead agent, Arn Tellem, led to a mutual agreement that both sides would try to hatch a workable trade before the league's annual trading deadline on Feb. 18.
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Bill Baptist/NBAE/Getty ImagesTracy McGrady averaged just 3.2 points this season in six games with the Rockets.
"After multiple conversations with Tracy and his representatives, we have agreed to look into trade opportunities and have granted him an indefinite leave from team activities," Morey said in a statement released Tuesday afternoon.
McGrady was allowed to return to Houston during the weekend as the team completed a road trip, when his request for increased minutes in his comeback from microfracture knee surgery was denied by Adelman.
Adelman said before Tuesday's game against New Orleans that McGrady never progressed to the point where he was ready to increase his minutes.
"He's been hurt for over a year," Adelman said. "The thing that people want to write about is who he was two years ago, and he isn't that right now. We have a whole team here and it's not just about what he wants or what he was going to want, or what was going to happen. It was about what can he do to help us win, and that was the bottom line to me."
Houston was off to a surprising 18-13 start heading into Tuesday's game against New Orleans, and Adelman said it became increasingly clear that McGrady didn't fit with the Rockets or the up-tempo style they're playing.
"He wanted to play, he wanted to push it," Adelman said. "Unfortunately, you've got to deal with the whole group, not just one individual. He's coming back from major surgery, he's rehabilitating and who knows when he's going to get there. Right now, he wasn't there.
"I don't think the explosiveness was there," Adelman said. "He didn't get to the basket like he used to, he didn't have that first step where he could blow by people. It wasn't unexpected to me, but we don't know what timetable he has or if it's going to come back."

He's been hurt for over a year. The thing that people want to write about is who he was two years ago, and he isn't that right now. ” -- Rockets coach Rick Adelman
When McGrady's camp pressed Monday for firm promises about when his playing time would be extended -- McGrady has averaged just 7.7 minutes in his six appearances this season -- sources say that the Rockets were not prepared to make any such commitments, leading both sides to conclude that combining their efforts to try to facilitate a trade was the best option.
The Rockets, according to sources with knowledge of the team's thinking, refuse to consider buying out the remainder of McGrady's $23.2 million expiring contract, which would enable him to become a free agent.
One source said that the Rockets' anti-buyout stance is so deeply rooted that they plan to keep him on the payroll even if a deal can't be struck before the trading deadline.
McGrady would have to be waived by March 1 in order to qualify for another team's playoff roster.
Sources said that the sides have agreed for now that the best compromise is allowing McGrady to leave the team to work out on his own and stay ready in case a deal can be struck. The Rockets, meanwhile, will be hoping that McGrady's departure will spare his teammates and coaches from the distraction of daily questions about the two-time scoring champion's status.
"We just keep going," Rockets guard Aaron Brooks told The Houston Chronicle. "Everybody has a job to do. It's the same old story. Nothing changes.
"We always wish the best for Tracy. We can't do anything about what goes on with them. You [media] guys are about the only ones talking about it. We don't talk about it. We let that happen. We let it play out. We might joke about it. We might joke about the media talking about it. That's about it."
Neither McGrady nor his agents could immediately be reached Monday.
The reality is that McGrady will be difficult to move, even with Tellem and fellow agent Bob Myers now officially cleared to seek out trade possibilities with other teams. The Rockets are one of the few teams in the league -- in this depressed economy -- willing to take back long-term money to get a player they like, such as Golden State's Anthony Randolph or Sacramento's Kevin Martin. But most potential trading partners have to aggregate so many contracts to get to McGrady's salary range that it's difficult to construct a deal that doesn't require Houston to take back one or more unpalatable deals.

Whoever gets me is going to get a hungry ... player. I don't care if I go to the damn moon. It doesn't matter. I've been hungry since I came back from my surgery. ” -- Rockets guard Tracy McGrady reported Saturday that the Washington Wizards had reached out to the Rockets in an exploratory manner about a possible Gilbert Arenas-for-McGrady swap, but Houston has no interest in such a deal. Arenas ranks as one of the league's most difficult players to move with four seasons left after this one on a mammoth $111 million contract and a history of knee problems to rival McGrady's.
It's conceivable that Houston's trade options could expand once the trading deadline draws closer, but the agreement to let McGrady leave the team immediately eases some pressure on Adelman, who was admittedly struggling to find openings to work a rusty McGrady into a rotation that has been so successful without the seven-time All-Star and injured center Yao Ming.
"I don't blame any player for saying I want more, and that's basically what [McGrady] wants, and right now I'm not sure how to do that," Adelman told reporters on Saturday in New Jersey.
In February, doctors said McGrady would need up to 12 months to fully heal. Adelman said he stuck to that timeline all along, figuring McGrady still needed a month or more. He said McGrady wanted to accelerate that timeline, and that led to the impasse over playing time.
"I had to make that decision as to when to bring him back," Adelman said. "We looked at it, and he wasn't satisfied with that, so we decided to go this way. We'll see what happens now."
Although he was healthy enough to play in only 35 games last season, McGrady insists that his next team will be getting a steal no matter what his modest numbers suggest -- he's averaging just 3.2 points on 7-for-19 shooting in his brief cameos -- and in spite of ongoing concerns about his surgically repaired knee.
"Whoever gets me is going to get a hungry ... player," McGrady told the Chronicle. "I don't care if I go to the damn moon. It doesn't matter. I've been hungry since I came back from my surgery.
"I rededicated myself, refocused, moved to Chicago, worked out the whole summer there. It was every day just grinding, just pushing. I'm not even supposed to be playing right now, so that really tells you how hard I've been working. I wasn't supposed to be playing until January or February. If you asked anybody who had [microfracture surgery] it probably took them a year to really feel full strength. I feel fine right now."
The Rockets acquired McGrady in June 2004, hoping that he would team with Yao and return the franchise to prominence, but his five-season tenure was marked more by injuries than team success.
He averaged 25.7 points and 5.5 assists in his first season, but the Rockets lost to Dallas in the first round of the playoffs. The Rockets also lost in the first round in 2007 and '08 and the blame for the failures -- whether deserved or not -- increasingly fell on McGrady, who's 0-7 in postseason series.
His health had become an annual issue since 2005-06, when he missed 34 games with back injuries that lingered into the following season.
He hurt his elbow and his knee early in the 2007-08 season and missed a total of 16 games. He was in and out of the lineup last season and finally opted for the risky, season-ending surgery around the All-Star break.
Without him, the Rockets won their first playoff series since 1997, then fought the Los Angeles Lakers to seven games in the second round.
McGrady spent the summer working with Tim Grover, Michael Jordan's former trainer. The Rockets, meanwhile, acquired Trevor Ariza to fill McGrady's role in the lineup. Ariza even took McGrady's No. 1 and is the Rockets' third-leading scorer, averaging 16.3 points per game.
The Rockets already knew they'd play this season without Yao, who underwent foot surgery after the season. They've survived this season playing a scrappy, energetic style and relying on balanced scoring.
McGrady's locker was cleaned out before Tuesday's game, except for a pile of white towels, a pair of gym shoes and two pairs of socks.
"His reputation in this league is tremendous as far as his talent," Adelman said. "But what you can do on the floor is what we have to look at. It didn't work out. He wanted more minutes and I just did not know what the answer was.
"I wanted to be positive that whatever we did was going to go in the right direction for this team," Adelman said. "When we sat him down, he decided he wanted to move on, and maybe that's the best thing."

Wow to bad for Mcgrady I know that he was one of the top ten players in the leagues for years. But now its just seems like he has lost his step. With those nagging injuries. Well he find a good team that can use his services's Marc Stein and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

In AD 2154,[15] a human corporation is engaged in the colonization of Pandora, the lush moon of Polyphemus, one of three gas giants that orbit Alpha Centauri A,[15] 4.4 light years from Earth. The humans seek to exploit Pandora's reserves of a precious mineral called unobtainium.
Pandora is inhabited by an indigenous neolithic[16] species of sentient humanoids called the Na'vi. Standing nine feet tall, with tails and sparkling blue skin, the Na'vi live in harmony with the natural world around them, and are considered primitive by human standards. Humans are unable to breathe Pandora's atmosphere, which is rich in carbon dioxide,[16] and peaceful interaction with the Na'vi is difficult. Human researchers, led by Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) created the Avatar Program, taking human and Na'vi DNA and using it to genetically engineer human-Na'vi hybrid bodies called Avatars.
A human who shares genetic material with the Avatar can be mentally linked to it, allowing them to control its functions and experience what it experiences, while their own body sleeps. The story's protagonist, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), is a former U.S. Marine who was wounded and paralyzed from the waist down in combat on Earth. His twin brother Tommy was a scientist working on the Avatar program; but when he is killed, Jake is extended the opportunity to take his brother's place, as he shares Tommy's genetic material and is therefore compatible with his Avatar. However, Dr. Augustine is less than happy about Jake being there, as his brother had a doctorate and years of extensive training to participate in the program. In contrast, Jake has no knowledge of Na'vi culture and has never used an Avatar. Regardless, the research team decides to let him go through with the program. During his first Avatar test Jake seems ecstatic to be able to use his legs once again.
Jake's first assignment is to escort Dr. Augustine and a biologist named Norm Spellman (Joel David Moore) through the hostile jungle. Eventually, the group is attacked and Jake becomes separated from the others, forcing them to leave him behind for the night and believing that he will "not survive" the alien environment. Throughout the night, he attempts to survive in his Avatar body, fending off dangerous creatures. This attracts the attention of a female Na'vi named Neytiri (Zoë Saldaña) who decides to intervene by rescuing Jake from certain death. Although at first troubled by Jake's recklessness, she decides to take him back to the Na'vi Hometree, which is the center of her clan both spiritually and literally. The Na'vi decide to take Jake and teach him about their culture, so that they in turn could learn more about humans.
Jake encounters many of Pandora's beauties and dangers. Despite having originally gotten lost by chance, which led into his integration in the Na'vi tribe, he is sent by his military superiors to obtain the trust of the Na'vi clan, and convince them to abandon their Hometree, which sits above a large deposit of unobtainium. As Jake learns the way of the Na'vi, he finds himself caught between the military-industrial forces of Earth and a newfound love for his adopted home and people. Believing that the Na'vi will never abandon their home, the humans attack and destroy the Hometree, forcing the Na'vi to flee. The Na'vi feel betrayed by Jake, ostracizing him from the tribe. Back at base, Jake and his compatriots are forcibly disconnected from their avatar interfaces and are detained for arguing against the destruction. However, Trudy Chacon (Michelle Rodriguez), disgusted at the violence, breaks the prisoners out, but Grace is mortally wounded in the departure from base. Deciding there is only one way that the Na'vi would listen to him now, Jake tames the Toruk, a formidable winged creature, and in doing so earns back the respect of the Na'vi. He offers to help fight the humans if they save Grace. They attempt to permanently transfer her consciousness into her avatar with the Sacred Tree, but Grace dies from her considerable injuries before the ritual can be completed.
With Neytiri's assistance, Jake assembles thousands of Na'vi from other tribes and lead them into battle with the increasingly violent human forces, in order to save their race and world. The humans detect the assembling forces and security chief Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang) orders a preemptive strike to destroy the Na'vi's main Sacred Tree in order to break their will. Meanwhile, Jake attempts to make contact with the spirits of that tree, pleading with Grace to appeal to the Na'vi god, Eywa, and the spirits to help in the coming battle, but Neytiri tells him that Eywa will remain neutral.
In the resulting battle, the Na'vi put up a much more formidable defense with Jake's direction, but they still cannot defeat the humans while taking heavy casualties. However, the native creatures of the region suddenly appear en masse to attack the humans with overwhelming might; Neytiri interprets this as Eywa having decided to intervene in the battle for the Na'vi. Despite this reversal, Quaritch orders the Sacred Tree bombed, but Jake manages to land on the shuttle and down it.
Quaritch's craft is attacked as well, but he is able to escape the vehicle in his mecha as it crashes. As he proceeds to the Sacred Tree to destroy it, he finds the remote Avatar interface field pod Jake's compatriots had moved and hidden deep in Na'vi territory and decides to destroy it to kill Jake. Neytiri and Jake arrive to stop him and manage to defeat their enemy, but not before he seriously damages the pod, exposing Jake's true body to the planet's deadly atmosphere. Neytiri manages to understand the emergency and saves him by retrieving a protective mask from the remnants of the base, witnessing Jake in his human form for the first time. Jake expresses his love for her, weakly uttering "I see you" (a term culturally significant to the Na'vi), which Neytiri lovingly says in return.
After the battle, the humans are forced to evacuate Pandora, while Jake and friends are allowed to remain. The film ends with Jake permanently transferring his consciousness from his human form to his Na'vi avatar by way of a Na'vi ritual.
Fresnewspaper rating: 5.0 ..
comments: This movie is incredible this is definitely a movie that you can't take anybody to see. Its a epic movie. One that will change the way you look at movies. It just has that Stars Wars effective. The director of the movie is set to do two more movies. Depending on this turns out in the box office. I can't wait to see the next movie.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

New Kevin Durant KICKZ

Man let me start off by saying that Kevin Durant is a great talent in the league. And one biggest mathup problem. The kid can score from anywhere. But I took a look at shoes during the Mavericks game, and truly have to play for the thunder to wear these kicks. The shape of the makes the shoe look attrative. But the color really throws the shoes off. I remember that Kobe Bryant did a similar thing when he had the Krazy 8 in yellow. And was another crazy shoes from adidas. But hey let face he might want to go back to Nike office with this one. But then again these different is truly good so I don't want to be too hard on the kid from B More. Check out the pic below to see the shoes. Who know you guys might just like these.

But as for I'm going have to give Kickz 2.5. Fot the comfort and shape, as well as for the organality of the shoes...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Naturo vs Shinobi


alot of people would give shinobi the edge, but please don't sleep on the kid. This cou ld be a sleeper in the making...

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Hey i'm not a big fan of football, but I have to say seeing the steelers lose is always a good thing. i really have to agree with Cribbs. This really did give us at least something this year. Everybody forget are losing season and are dumb coaching moves and plays. Know matter ugly the game was we can be glad for one day that we the Steelers.

thats the news and until then stay fresh..

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sonic vs Flash


Tell me you guys wouldn't want to see Flash race Sonic. Your talking about the fastest comic book hero vs the Fastest video game hero. Who when the race its really know way of telling. But its always good to imagine. How the race would turn out.

Afro Samuri vs Kenshin the Manslayer


Now I know been a while since I gave you guys a good one. So how about Kenshin vs Afro Samuri. This for all my toonami heads. For those who don't check out the bio below

Afro Samuri Bio:

The former holder of the title "Number Two," Afro is out to hunt down Justice, the man who killed his father for the rank of "Number One." From the time he was a child, Afro honed his skills as a swordsman; his style typically consists of wielding his sword with only his right hand while his left continues to hold on to his sheath, although during his fight with Jinno, he held his sword with both hands to compensate for Jinno's dual wielding speed. He is a very quiet individual, likely because the life of the "Number Two" does not allow him to have any close relationships with anyone, so when approached by others he says very little, if anything.Although he seems cold, he is still haunted by his memories and past relationships; Justice later remarks that Afro, like his father, is still "soft inside." He also has a fondness for lemonade.The only times Afro had shown any extreme emotional reactions were when he fought the Sword Master for the Number Two Headband, and when fighting Justice who reminds Afro of his father's tragic death.At the end of the series, he kills Justice and becomes the "Number One", but is almost impaled by one of Justice's spikes only to survive by having the spike go through his afro and skim that top of his head, thus saving Afro from death.After the 'death' of Ninja Ninja, Afro seemed to be able to show himself more emotionally seen when he sheds tears for 'killing' Jinno before facing Justice and by his casual conversation with Jinno before facing him for the second time.

Ruroni Kenshin Bio:

Kenshin's story is set in a fictional version of Japan during the Meiji period. Kenshin is a former legendary assassin known as "Hitokiri Battōsai" (人斬り抜刀斎?)[note 1] (rendered as Battousai the manslayer in the Media Blasters English anime dub,[5] as Battousai: The Slasher in the Sony English dub,[8] and as The Unsheather on the Japanese kanzenban covers). At the end of the Bakumatsu, he becomes a wandering samurai, now wielding a sakabatō (逆刃刀?, lit. "reverse-blade sword"), a katana that has the cutting edge on the inwardly curved side of the sword, thus being nearly incapable of killing. Kenshin wanders the countryside of Japan offering protection and aid to those in need, as atonement for the murders he once committed as an assassin. In Tokyo, he meets a young woman named Kamiya Kaoru, who invites him to live in her dojo despite learning about Kenshin's past. Throughout the series, Kenshin begins to establish lifelong relationships with many people, including ex-enemies, while dealing with his fair share of enemies, new and old. Through these encounters and relationships, Kenshin begins to find true atonement for his past enabling him to fully conquer his "Battōsai" nature.

New Jordan's

Like most people I think I believe that jordans have always been a shoe that people either wanted to play ball in or just wear. The new 2010 jORDAN'S, however really don't impress. I've saw plenty of pics of the shoe. And so far it has left me not impressed.

But it still does look like a good shoe to play ball. Looks like it give you all the support to make those hard cutts to the basket. As well when you make those hard rebounds. So because of this I think I might have to rate these new J ABOUT a 3 stars.

But hey I never saw shoes up close that opinion could change...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Iverson Returns to 76ERS


PHILADELPHIA -- Allen Iverson's first stint with the Philadelphia 76ers ended with the team yanking his nameplate off his locker and editing him out of video highlights before he was even traded.
The Sixers might want to find him a new locker and cue up some clips. Philly fans, pull out that No. 3 jersey from the closet. A.I. is a Sixer again.
In a move that appeared farfetched after their acrimonious split in 2006, the 76ers reunited with the briefly retired Iverson on Wednesday in a move designed to spike sagging attendance and fill in for the injured Lou Williams.
Question And Answer
Is the return of Allen Iverson to the 76ers a good move or a bad move? Our experts debate the Answer's return to the City of Brotherly Love. Roundtable
Coach Eddie Jordan said Iverson likely will start and stay the entire season.
"I told him I would like for him to start, and that's where it sort of ended," Jordan said. "And he was really like a kid at Christmas."
Iverson will make his debut Monday night at home against Denver -- one of three teams he's called home since leaving Philly. The 10-time All-Star-turned-journeyman is determined to prove he still has something to offer in that No. 3 jersey. His new boss is betting Iverson can help the staggering Sixers make a push in the Eastern Conference playoff race.
"He's like a rock star," team president Ed Stefanski said.
And he's back for his encore.
He antagonized his coaches and opponents his first time around. Perhaps humbled, he signed after being reduced to a bench player in Denver and Memphis and forced to accept the veteran's minimum salary to return to his NBA roots.
"If there's going to be a chance for him to do it and make it work, there's no doubt in my mind Philadelphia is the best spot for him to try and do it," Stefanski said.
Stefanski took a low risk financially to sign Iverson, but possibly derailed the long-term improvement of a slumping team tying to build around a core of young players. Rookie Jrue Holiday, who started at point guard for Williams, heads to the bench, and Jordan's Princeton offense could hit the scrap heap.
The Iverson-to-Philly talks were underway once Williams was lost for eight weeks with a broken jaw. Stefanski said he never would have considered a second act for Iverson had it not been for the injury.

I told him I would like for him to start, and that's where it sort of ended. And he was really like a kid at Christmas. That's how he sort of explained it to me. He's really excited and we're looking forward to it. ” -- 76ers coach Eddie Jordan
Iverson's reps asked Stefanski about a possible comeback last week. Iverson, his agent and business manager met with Stefanski and Jordan on Monday to jump-start contract talks.
Iverson was offered a one-year, non-guaranteed contract Tuesday, according to a person who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the talks were private. He accepted the deal early Wednesday.
The Sixers would owe just under $650,000 if they guarantee his contract for the remainder of the season on Jan. 10.
"The whole situation wasn't about the contract and the money," Iverson's agent, Leon Rose, told The Associated Press. "It was about the opportunity and the chance to come to Philadelphia."
The Sixers (5-13) had lost seven straight entering Wednesday night's game at Oklahoma City. The losing and lack of a marquee name have them buried in 29th in the NBA in attendance.
Sixers VP of business operations Lara Price declined to say how many tickets were purchased for Monday's homecoming, but said: "We have seen a big jump in ticket sales as a result of today's announcement."
Sixers management insisted Iverson's signing was strictly a basketball move and not to necessarily boost the gate.
It had the city buzzing. Fans flooded sports radio stations to talk Iverson, TV stations cut in with live updates, and Internet message board posters were roused with his addition.
Jordan, speaking at Wednesday morning's shootaround, was thrilled to have Iverson.
"Without really seeing him on the floor, I would like to compare him to Brett Favre, a guy who people think is too old to play and he's almost having an MVP year," Jordan said. "That's off the top of my head. When I woke up this morning, I said, 'Maybe he can be that.' It's not a big maybe. I think he can be that."
Except for a brief flirtation with the New York Knicks, no other organization was seriously interested in signing Iverson.
Iverson, nicknamed "The Answer," regularly played 40 minutes when he was NBA MVP in 2001 and led the Sixers to the Finals. Philadelphia hasn't won a playoff series since 2003.
In 10 seasons with the Sixers, Iverson posted the highest scoring average in team history (28.1), was second on the points list (19,583) and holds the record for 3-pointers (877). He was a seven-time All-Star, won four scoring titles and two All-Star Game MVPs.
Iverson's last game with Philadelphia was Dec. 6, 2006, in Chicago. He refused to play the fourth quarter, had a severe falling out with former coach Maurice Cheeks and was banished from the team. Chairman Ed Snider and former GM Billy King sent Iverson home while they worked on trading their superstar.
He was eventually sent to Denver as part of the Andre Miller deal, and bounced to Detroit before landing in Memphis.
Snider has publicly welcomed him back.
"When he left our organization I did say, 'We're gonna trade him,' but that was only after he requested to be traded," Snider said in a statement. "This is an opportunity for him to shine here in Philadelphia, where it all started, with the most positive outcome."
The 6-foot Iverson played three games this season with Memphis before taking a leave of absence to attend to personal matters. He was waived after the two sides agreed to part ways.
Iverson will get a look at another former team after playing Denver. The Sixers play at home Dec. 9 against Detroit.
Sixers leading scorer Andre Iguodala, a former Iverson teammate, said he gave management the OK to make the move.
"That was pretty easy," he said. "I think all the guys on our team, whether they've played with him or not, realize what he can do. He can play."
Iverson was the No. 1 overall pick in the 1996 draft, but his 10 turbulent seasons in Philadelphia were marred by rants about practice, run-ins with former coach Larry Brown, arrests and a failed rap career.
In one infamous blowup at the end of the 2002 season, he repeated the word "practice" nearly 20 times during a rambling monologue.
"We had, at times, a rocky road with Allen Iverson, but we also had a fantastic run with Allen," Peter Luukko, COO of Comcast-Spectacor, which owns the 76ers and Flyers, told The AP. "The expectations with Allen have changed dramatically. We're not looking for Allen to individually lead this team the way he has in the past."
Iverson has a career average of 27 points in 889 games over 14 seasons, and is tied for the fifth-highest scoring average in NBA history. He ranks third among active players.
"It's a great challenge, and I think it's a motivational aspect to it, too," Jordan said. "Guys are going to be jacked up. He's a winner, he's an assassin on the floor and that sort of thing is contagious."